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The Search is over...

At last! The search is over. Jewels really are hard to find. It took a lot of patience to wait for the best one. I can say “It worth the wait.” Together with my classmate, our immersion request was accepted at the National Tobacco Administration – City Batac Office. We are so grateful because they gave us the opportunity to learn new things. NTA is known to be the definitive government body that handles anything and everything about Philippine tobacco industry, especially ensuring its growth and development. On April 27, we were privileged that we met the people who trusted us and will assist us to come up with a research that will somehow help in the further growth of the tobacco industry by integrating Information Technology. One way or another, IT is a driving force even in the agricultural sector.

From the L to R: Ms.Luz Padayao( PDO IV/OIC-PSSD), Ms. Imelda Riñen( Chief TPRO/OIC-FTSD), Bobby Eclarin (me), Edwin Galutira(classmate), Dir. Nestor Casela(Member, Board of Directors )

We were briefed of some data gathering procedures that may need IT intervention and we look at it as a niche that can be explored for research. My interest was aroused when they handed to us forms that they use to fill up when a report is needed. Maybe Data Mining… or maybe System Analysis and Design; both were intensely taught by our professors at the Graduate School. We’ll see what will happen next…

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