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The Search for Wisdom...

That week, I continued reading journals and other literatures relating to my chosen research area. Since my research is based on the User Centered Design methodology, I interviewed the staff and observed the workflow pertaining to their job. Just like any other task, it was hard from the start but it MUST be done. Every time I need advice, my mentors are always ready giving their full support. Thank God, He brought me here.

However, on one occasion I happened to browse my wife’s cell phone and I found out something …… ahaaa!!. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. My wife and I have a common Facebook account and our account is a member of the “Usapang Immersion” group, our class group. I missed some conversation because I don’t usually open the account myself, but it is always open on my wife’s CP. When I had the chance to read it, they were talking about the other requirements aside from the research…. I mean REQUIREMENTS. Well yeah, I know that there are other stuffs to accomplish but that time I felt a little bit sapped. Lot of things to do… but a little time.

I paused for a moment and look up above. Clouds gather, covering the sky but I know that beyond those dark clouds is a clear, blue sky and that the sun still shines. “Lord, give me wisdom.”

James 1:5 - 'If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.'

With the wisdom from above and the guidance of my mentors, Mam Kleng, Mam Luz, Mam Liza and Sir Erwin, I believe that I will come up with a research that is beneficial to the agency.

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